前言:這篇是我當初打算在那讓我很受傷的面試後放在 Glassdoor 上的 review。那時尚在博士之路上掙扎的我,被這樣地拒絕後真的是一蹶不振了相當長一段時間。坦白說,時至今日我仍不確定那傷口是否已癒合。本來的打算是一寫完就 post 的,後來想說怕影響自己找 eyetracking 領域的工作,打算等找到 eyetracking 或 data science 工作,順利離開博士之路後再 post 。怎知一拖又是幾年,後來我因緣際會終於離開博士之路,回到了 IC 設計領域,確定自己跟那 eyetracking 領域怎樣也不會再有瓜葛了,正要 post 時,突然覺得一切已恍如隔世,而這 review 大概也幫不到什麼人,正如我這輩子寫過的所有文章般。那麼爛的公司(或人)我再也不願想起。
=== 我是分隔線 ===
“This company was my dream company (I used Tobii solution in my research for many years), but I was very disappointed with it after the interview.”
After I got the hiring manager‘s email, things moved fast. The first Skype interview with the hiring manager (department head) was quite pleasant. The hiring manager asked several technical questions and behavioral questions. It was a typical first-round screening interview. The second round of Skype interviews with HR was also very nice. I was asked to complete a personality questionnaire and an IQ test before the interview. During the interview, HR and I talked about myself and reflect on the test results.
Then the hiring manager invited me to visit their Stockholm office (HQ) for an on-site interview. It was very short notice (one week) and I was told that only the hotel expense (1 night) would be paid. I didn’t think too much about it as I really wanted to work in my dream company, so I booked the international flight immediately with no hesitation. Two days before my departure, the hiring manager asked about my salary expectation. After I provided the number, I was informed that they can only do 65% of it. If it’s not acceptable for me, there will be no interview in two days. Anyway, I accepted it because, again, I wanted to work in my dream company.
The on-site interview with the hiring manager went very well, and the hiring manager said they are happy to give me the offer. On the same day, the hiring manager, HR, and I went through several contract details.
Two days after I left Stockholm, the hiring manager texted me and said they need a start date to fill in the contract. I provided them a date that is longer than their expectation (my previous job requires a 2-3 months notice period). Then the hiring manager disappeared for several days on Skype. In the meantime, I tried to explain my situation several times in emails (though the notice period obligation was mentioned in the first round interview), and said I’m willing to settle as much as I could. In the end, the hiring manager just replied that they will not proceed with my application solely because of the too-long start date, and they will not consider whether I’m willing to settle or not.
I’ve been working in several companies in different countries in Asia, North America, and Europe, and I can hardly recall any “non-negotiable start date.” Apparently, there is always something new to learn. I don’t know how presentative my case is, but I do hope this little story would help anyone considering joining this company.
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